Pickup and group pickup

1. Description

Pickup and group pickup features allow a user to answer an incoming call that rings on a telephone or softphone other than the user own. This document explains how to configure and use the pickup and group pickup features of miniSIPServer.

Below figure describes a simple scenario of pickup service. In this scenario, Hong and G.T are in the same pickup group. G.T's number is 102, Hong's number is 101. When G.T receives an incoming call from Holly, Hong can pick up this call through two ways:

  • Hong picks up G.T' call directly. Hong can dial "*40*102" to miniSIPServer and miniSIPServer will transfer G.T's call to Hong. In this scenario, "*40*" is the default prefix of 'pick up' and '102' is the target number which to be picked up.
  • Hong picks up a call in the same pickup group. Since Hong and G.T are in the same pickup group, Hong can dial "*50*" to pick up a ringing call from the group. In this scenario, the G.T's phone is ringing, so miniSIPServer select it to pick-up for Hong. We have to mention that miniSIPServer always pick up the first ringing user if there are several users are ringing.

pickup service scenario

In miniSIPServer, only the persons who are in the same pickup group can pick up others' calls. If the user isn't in the same pickup group, he/she cannot pick up the target user. For example, in above figure, Tom is not in the same pickup group with Hong and G.T, so Tom cannot pick up G.T and Hong' calls.

2. Configuration

In above description, there are two prefixes for call pickup features. (1) The prefix of "pickup" is "*40*". (2) The prefix of "group pickup" is "*50*".

The only thing need to be configured is the user's pickup group. Please refer to following steps.

  • Please click menu "data / local users" to edit or add a local user.
  • In the dialog, please click "supplementary services" tab.
  • Then configure the pickup group ID. The users with the same pickup group ID belong to the same group and they can pick up the calls for each other.

pickup service configuration

In our example, Hong and G.T belong to the same pickup group whose ID is '1', so they can pickup calls for each other.